Tell HUD to Reduce Barriers to HUD Assisted Housing

Posted By: Chip Ahlswede Legislative Affairs, Advocacy Updates,

Today is the final day to submit comments! We are asking you to participate in the National Apartment Association’s call to action which spotlights significant industry concerns about HUD’s latest proposed rulemaking on criminal screening.

Take action today!

HELP NAA reach 2,000 comments in opposition to this proposed rule before the comment period tonight at midnight!

The proposed rule will severely limit assisted-housing providers’ discretion to make housing decisions based on renters’ criminal history. As an industry, we face a real threat that HUD will eventually apply these requirements to all housing providers covered by the Fair Housing Act, similar to the Agency’s 2016 criminal screening guidance.

The Proposed Rule would impose overly prescriptive requirements on HUD-assisted housing providers such as a 3-year lookback period for screening criminal history, hard limits on types of convictions that assisted housing providers are allowed to consider and new pre-denial notice requirements. The rule also would raise the evidentiary standard for evictions based on covered residents’ criminal activity.

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