AQMD Moves to Force Replacement of Gas Furnaces and Water Heaters

Posted By: Chip Ahlswede Legislative Affairs, Advocacy Updates,

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) wants to force every residential and commercial property owner to replace their gas water heaters and furnaces with electric alternatives starting in 2026.

Proposed rules 1111 and 1121 will be presented for formal consideration and action at the SCAQMD Board Meeting on May 2, 2025.

The proposed regulations are extremely problematic. Not only would they impact housing affordability due to the prohibitively high cost of compliance, but there is also insufficient infrastructure to support the increased electrical loads and demand that would be created. Additionally, the regulations would result in countless families being displaced as their rental units would be uninhabitable due to the extensive work and disruption that would result as multifamily properties seek to comply.

Compliance will likely cost tens of thousands of dollars - or more - for each rental property in Southern California. 

We are asking YOU to help out in a few ways:

  • 1) E-mail the South Coast Air Quality Management District and inform them of your opposition to these proposed rules - CLICK HERE TO EMAIL SCAQMD

Cities are starting to come out against these proposed rules as well, including:

  • 2) Santa Ana City Councilmember David Penaloza has introduced a resolution to oppose the SCAQMD proposed rules on February 18th.  Please e-mail the city clerk and express your support for the Santa Ana resolution opposing the SCAQMD proposed rules - CLICK HERE TO EMAIL SANTA ANA CLERK

  • 3) Contact YOUR CITY and let your elected officials know that you want them to speak out against the SCAQMD proposed rules, as well.

We need YOU to take action and help STOP these proposed regulations TODAY!