New Process for Applicant Screening

Posted By: David Cordero

TO:             AAOC MEMBERS


DATE:         JANUARY 7, 2025


I wanted to follow up on the letter that was mailed in November notifying members that AAOC would be discontinuing the processing of applicant credit and background reports via phone, fax, in-person, and online at the end of 2024.

The letter explained how this change had become necessary due to the increased legal and financial liability to both the association and its members regarding the collection, processing, and storing of consumer credit information. And while AAOC will continue to serve as your source for operational guidance and assistance, we wanted to introduce our members to Intellirent - our preferred third-party resident screening provider.

Intellirent’s secure, online platform integrates seamlessly with your Member Compass via the AAOC website, and it eliminates the need for you or AAOC to handle sensitive credit information. The Intellirent platform is easy to use, and an increasing number of AAOC members are using it each month. The screening process is owner/operator-initiated, with the applicant receiving an automated email invitation via your Intellirent account. The applicant supplies their information and submits it via Intellirent’s secure, online application process. Once submitted, you will receive a completed screening report with the information you need to make an informed decision.

AAOC has presented informational webinars with Intellirent over the past few years and most recently hosted an in-person Intellirent briefing as part of our member orientation session in December. The next Intellirent webinar will be presented on Monday, January 27th at 10 a.m.

Be sure to register and attend the webinar along with anyone from your team who handles resident screening for your business.

If you have additional questions after the webinar, AAOC and Intellirent would be happy to schedule a more in-depth online demonstration with you. For additional information about Intellirent, click here.

If you are ready to get started using Intellirent, or you have immediate questions, you can contact Intellirent's Client Solutions Specialist, Kara Hohne, directly at (812) 202-1963 or

For all other questions, or help setting up your online membership account, please contact AAOC at (714) 245-9500.