Welcome Home OC
You’re invited to attend an informative webinar to learn more about WelcomeHomeOC. This program provides sound business benefits to rental property owners who want to help better their community and is a key component to ending homelessness in Orange County.
At this workshop, you will have the opportunity to hear from AAOC members and other rental property owners and operators who have already signed up as WelcomeHomeOC partners, as well as from housing experts from the Orange County Housing Authority and nonprofit supportive services providers.
You will learn the specifics involved in becoming a part of the program, and have the opportunity to ask questions of our team.
United to End Homelessness is a community-wide collaboration bringing together the county’s top business, philanthropic, governmental, faith-based, and nonprofit leaders committed to ending homelessness in Orange County.
To learn more about the program, visit WelcomeHomeOC.org. Otherwise, click here to register.